Monday 27 May 2013

Check out the bikini body of a 47 year old mother of 5

That's Eddy Murphy's ex wife, Nicole Murphy. The photos were taken on Friday as she vacationed in Hawaii with her fiance Michael Strahan, former NFL player and current TV host. Hot bod!

Meet Nigeria's representatives to Big Brother Africa 2013

Meet Nigeria's representatives to Big Brother Africa 2013

The female rep is Ada Beverly Osu. She is a model and popular Lagos based video vixen. She was also briefly engaged to rapper 2shotz in 2011.

The guy is Melvin Oduah; a model, actor, 1st runner up Gulder Ultimate Search VI, and 1st runner up Mr Nigeria 2011. Good luck to them!

Nasir El-Rufai and his two daughters, By Femi Fani-Kayode

Nasir El-Rufai and his two daughters, By Femi Fani-Kayode

Piece written by former Aviation minister, Femi Fani Kayode
The graduate unemployment rate in Nigeria is 80 per cent yet these young people that are abusing and mocking my friend and brother, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, the former Minister of FCT, for saying that he has two daughters that have masters degrees but who cannot find jobs do not seem to appreciate the gravity of their own situation or understand the point that he was trying to make.
Nasir El-Rufai was simply speaking up for the very youths and jobless graduates that are now mocking and insulting him because of his comment. I assure you that his daughters will never starve and they can get jobs anywhere in the world or even end up working in any of his own numerous companies and business concerns if they so choose. He was only trying to use their plight as an example of the sad condition that Nigeria has found herself in where only two out of every ten graduates can find jobs.
If we put that in proper perspective it means that out of every one thousand graduates only 200 will find jobs and it means that out of every 10,000 graduates only 2000 will find jobs. This is as a consequence of the economic mess that the Jonathan administration has created in the last three years. The unemployment rate today has NEVER been as bad as it is today in our entire history. That is what Nasir El-Rufai was trying to point out only because he is humane and he empathises with the youth. He feels their pain. Those young people that do not get the point he was trying to make and that are mocking him and subjecting him and his daughters to ridicule and insults for saying what he said deserve to go through the suffering and frustration that they are experiencing in life.

Their colleagues and age-mates from other parts of the world have jobs and they are excelling and doing well simply because they live in functional, well-organised and well-led societies whose leaders care for their welfare and which have strong and booming economies. That is what Nasir El-Rufai wants for Nigeria and the Nigerian youth but most of them just don’t get it.

Well the joke is on them and not him and his daughters. Ignorance is a terrible diesease. Those youths ought to be thanking God that some of us that are leaders in the political class actually care about such issues and wish to highlight them. The truth is that most Nigerian politicians don’t and they really just don’t ”give a damn”. I commend Nasir for his courage, for the fact that he can cite his daughter’s cases as an example and for his efforts. Those young people on twitter and fb that have been insulting and mocking him ought to cut him some slack.

New terror group emerges, called Movement for Oneness & Jihad

According to a Punch report, a new terror group has emerged. It's called Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (members pictured above). Currently, two terrorist groups exist in Nigeria - Boko Haram and Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina fi Biladis Sudan. Read the Punch report below
Sunday Punch reports that there are fears in security circles that Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa MOJAO may infiltrate the country due to the porous nature of Nigeria’s borders.
Minister of Interior, Mr. Abba Moro, had last week said there were 1,497 illegal routes into the country.
MOJAO, a splinter group of the international terror group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, is after military operatives and facilities of countries that are complementing France’s efforts in quelling terrorists’ insurgency in Mali.
Besides Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Bukina Faso are involved in military operations in Mali.
On Thursday, the Jihadist group claimed responsibility for a twin suicide bombing attack at the Nigerian/Nigerien border.
No fewer than 26, mostly Nigerien soldiers, were killed and about 30 injured, in the multiple attacks.
MOJAO spokesman, Abu Walid Sahraoui, said the attacks were targeted at “the enemies of Islam.”
“We attacked Niger Republic because of its co-operation with France in the war against Sharia,” he added.
A highly placed security official told one of our correspondents that the group had been in existence since 2011.
According to the official, who pleaded anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the subject, MOJAO poses a threat to Nigeria’s security.
He said, “We now have to prevent them from infiltrating Nigeria; we have enough Boko Haram challenges. Don’t forget that members of Boko Haram, who were dislodged from Sambisa Games Reserve and other camps in Borno State fled to neigbouring states and the Niger Republic.  So many of them from Abadan, Malam Fatori and other villages, are now refugees in Difa, Niger Republic. They can decide to pitch tents with MOJAO.
“MOJAO has attacked barracks in Niger, which is similar to what Boko Haram does in Nigeria. This new group may want to do the same in here majorly because we are also involved in the Malian operation — which is one of their grievances.
“They are also likely to target our soldiers at the border.”
When SUNDAY PUNCH contacted the Director of Defence Information, Brig.-Gen Chris Olukolade, on Friday about the threat of the new group, he said efforts were on to sensitise all military formations across the country to exhibit a high level of alertness.
Olukolade said the Nigerian troops were at the border with Niger in line with the military’s decision.
He said, “Our troops are everywhere. They have been at the border since the beginning of the operation.
“Military formations are being sensitised on the need to maintain a high level of alertness in all locations whether or not they are involved in any operation or exercises.
“The public is implored to be vigilant and ensure that they report all suspicious movements or activities to security agencies promptly.”
President Goodluck Jonathan had on May 14, 2013, during a national broadcast, declared a state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states.
This was in response to the activities of suspected terrorists in North-Eastern part of Nigeria.
Some sections of Nigeria’s border with Niger pass through Yobe and Borno states.
Meanwhile, Adamawa State has begun the registration of residents of communities in its domain as a precautionary step against infiltration by  militants fleeing military  bombardment in Borno State.
SUNDAY PUNCH learnt that holders of the traditional titles of Sarkin Matasa (youth leaders) in communities across the state were driving the project.
A military source in the state said, “Adamawa State through the emirate council has introduced a house-to-house count of people in the state. This is to enable all wards leaders to know the exact number of persons per household and to check infiltrators in Borno.”
The source, who pleaded anonymity, added that suspected Boko Haram members, who had fled northern Borno, were regrouping at Zumo area of Song Local Government Area of Adamawa State.
The area is believed to have a difficult topography comprising mountains, rocks, and thick forest that extends to the country’s northern border with Cameroon.
The Director, Press and Public Relations of the Adamawa State Government House, Mr. Ahmad Sajoh, confirmed the development.
He said, “What is happening is part of our pro-active measures to mitigate the effects of the state of emergency. The Sarkin Matasa, who are traditional title holders in the state’s Emirate Council, will mobilise people to be pro-active.
“What they are doing is to encourage the people to open registers, either in writing or using indigenous methods, to keep track of residents of a given area.
“You know, counter-insurgency cannot succeed without security winning the hearts and minds of the people. With this method, the people will know one another better and will be able to account for members of the community, in case they go out and do not return.”

Karrueche Tran moves back into Chris Brown' hollywood home

Karrueche Tran moves back into Chris Brown' hollywood home

From TMZ
Call her crazy but Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown are full-on living together. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ they hooked up days before his 24th birthday earlier this month and she's been staying at Chris' Hollywood Hills home ever since.
Though she's keeping her own apartment - smart - she's already moved most of her clothes and other personal belongings to his pad.
And it's not like they've been secretive - they've been spotted everywhere lately, hitting up the Billboard Awards afterparty and even rear-ending a Mercedes together.
Karrueche's one persistent scorned lover -- when Chris first dumped her back in October for Rihanna  -- she vowed to win him back as TMZ first reported

So where does this leave Rihanna? RiRi and Breezy officially called it quits a few weeks ago ... but they've ALWAYS had an on-again, off-again relationship ... and Chris has made it no secret -- he loves 'em both. 

Hey Karrueche ... you ever heard the expression, "Fool me once ...
Rihanna really needs to move on from this's almost like she's convinced he's the only guy who can make her happy!

Rotimi Amaechi is a traitor - Asari Dokubo says

Rotimi Amaechi is a traitor - Asari Dokubo says

The leader of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force, Asari Dokubo, has described Rivers State Governor and reelected chairman of Nigeria Governors Forum, Rotimi Amaechi as a “traitor.”. In a phone-in radio programme in Port Harcourt on Saturday, Asari said Amaechi’s political ambition did not tally with the ambition of the people of the state. Asari said:
“Amaechi and his commissioners can go back to slavery and continue to serve the northerners, who claim to be born to rule. We will never go back to slavery. We know the quality of those who are commissioners in Rivers State.
“Amaechi is a traitor and he will be treated like a traitor. Amaechi is not more Ikwerre than me. It is about liberty to rule. Amaechi wants to take us back to slavery. It will not be possible. The era of northern godfathers is gone.
“Amaechi and his ambition must be tied to the ambition of his people. In Kano, Amaechi said he would run as vice-president, if invited. I speak with all sense of responsibility. The oppressed people of the Niger Delta, through President Jonathan, will win in 2015. We will win clearly and convincingly.
“President Goodluck Jonathan will win in 2015. If they do not allow him to win, they will not be able to handle the consequences. An end must come to the suppression, oppression, repression and marginalisation of the people of the Niger Delta.
“The South-South and South-East people have been brushed aside for too long. People of the North said they would make Nigeria ungovernable for Jonathan, if he won in 2011, which they are doing.”
 Culled from Punch

Woolwich killer, Michael Adebolajo was held in Kenya on terror charges and deported to the UK

Woolwich killer, Michael Adebolajo was held in Kenya on terror charges and deported to the UK

Culled from Daily Mail UK
Woolwich suspect Michael Adebolajo came to the attention of MI5 after he appeared in court in Kenya on suspicion of planning to fight for a terrorist group.
Adebolajo was arrested with five others in November 2010. All were said to have been heading for neighbouring Somalia, where they had been recruited by Al-Shabaab, the Islamist insurgent organisation.
Adebolajo, who was filmed after the Woolwich slaughter with blood on his hands, was deported without being charged.
It was soon after his return to Britain, a close friend claims, that MI5 earmarked him as a potential  informant and began assiduously courting him.The Mail on Sunday has been told:
  •   Intelligence officers offered Adebolajo money and gave him a mobile phone;
  •   Adebolajo was asked to spy on a group of Muslims with links to Al Qaeda terrorists in Yemen;
  •   He resisted their attempts to ‘turn’ him and complained to lawyers he was being harassed.
An East London-based solicitor, who asked not to be named, said: ‘He came to see us last year. He raised serious concerns which are similar to ones we have heard before from others. He met a member of my team and discussed his case.
He complained that they [MI5] kept wanting to talk to him and his family. They kept coming round his family home and wanted to meet him regularly. We said if he wanted to deal with it properly, he should give us the number they [MI5] had given him and we would call them. 

‘He was very paranoid about the whole thing. But he didn’t come back so we didn’t do anything else with him.’

It is understood that soon afterwards the contact with intelligence officers suddenly ceased.
Adebolajo’s links to the security services were first revealed on Friday on Twitter by one of his closest friends, Abu Nusaybah. Hours later, Nusaybah was arrested under the Terrorism Act just as he was finishing a pre-recorded interview for BBC Newsnight.

Earlier that day, Nusaybah, whose real name is Ibrahim Hassan, gave an interview to a Mail on Sunday reporter in which he made further claims about MI5 and Adebolajo.  
‘They wanted him to spy on a group of Muslims who have links to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula [AQAP]. They wanted information about them.’

AQAP, based in Yemen, has been called ‘the most active operational franchise’ of Al Qaeda beyond Pakistan and Afghanistan.

‘They offered him [Adebolajo] money and they gave him a special mobile phone to use when calling them,’ said Hassan. ‘They even took him in for interviews, just to intimidate him to work for them. But he refused.’

By the time Adebolajo arrived in Kenya in 2010, he was already deeply immersed in radical Islam and espousing extremist views.

Along with five Kenyan youths, he was picked up by local police on November 23 after spending the night in a guesthouse on Faza Island, part of the Lamu archipelago in the Indian Ocean close to the Somali border.

Principal magistrate Richard Kirui was told that all six men had been recruited to Al-Shabaab and intended to fight with them to bring down the country’s transitional government.

Al-Shabaab has imposed a strict version of Sharia law in the areas it controls, including stoning to death women accused of adultery.

In court, the youths claimed they had been given nothing to eat for two days and had been denied access to lawyers.

They had spent a night in police custody in Mombasa and were questioned by counter terrorism officers before being taken to court the next day. Adebolajo was fingerprinted and photographed and made a full statement.

After the order was made to deport Adebolajo, police officers accompanied him, handcuffed, in an unmarked police vehicle to Nairobi airport. 

During the day-long drive, the vehicle was involved in a minor accident, and although no-one was injured the journey was delayed.That evening Adebolajo was put on the first available flight to London.

At this time he was living on a council estate in Greenwich, South East London, with girlfriend Rikki Thomas and her two children from a previous relationship.
The Mail on Sunday has learned that Thomas – arrested last week in a police raid on her Greenwich house and later released without charge – gave birth to the terror suspect’s son last year.

Neighbours yesterday recalled how 29-year-old Thomas wore mini-skirts and was a ‘bright lovely woman’ before meeting him six years ago and turning into someone who hardly left the house.

Odette Hamilton said: ‘Rikki began to dress more and more like a Muslim. Eventually she wore the whole burka. 

‘When they walked down the street, he used to make her follow behind him, in subordination.’

Jaden Smith now dating Justin Bieber’s ex,Selena Gomez?

Jaden Smith now dating Justin Bieber’s ex,Selena Gomez?

purp8 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Jaden SmithSelena Gomez, Alfonso Ribeiro and DJ Jazzy Jeff all joined Will Smith in London to mark Trey Smith’s UK debut on the club scene. 
purp3 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
After Earth star Jaden Smith was spotted out to dinner with Selena Gomez, where they dined at the London hotspot Hakkasan.
purp4 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Jaden took a very protective stance as he extended his arm to shield Selena from the aggressive paparazzi clamoring to take their picture.
purp5 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Jaden pulled double duty while in the UK, as he and his dad, Will, are doing international press junkets for their filmAfter Earth (June 7th) and they supported Trey Smith during his club debut.

Later that night…
TreySmitharrivesBoujisnightclubfirstY 9nVC4DU0Xl Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
TreySmitharrivesBoujisnightclubfirst81qVXL31rI6l Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
purp1 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
The British Press captured a mini-reunion of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” as Will Smith was joined by former co-stars Alfonso Ribeiro (and wife Robin) and DJ Jazzy Jeff.
WillSmithBoujisNightclubwentsupportTreyO exae8uCTgl Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
WillSmithBoujisNightclubwentsupportTreylVHrcq0SOGSl Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?

The fellas were on their way into Boujis Night Club to witness the UK debut of DJ Trey Smith (Will’s oldest son).
WillSmithBoujisNightclubwentsupportTreysWEdPTB4uVol Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Will, who’s also doing press for After Earth, interviewed with The Alchemist, where he talked about his role in After Earthand how the relationship between he and Jaden’s character is similar to their real life father/son dynamic.
It was funny because my character is this huge general and a great warrior, and his son is trying to follow in his footsteps so it was similar in that sense. I think because we got to talk about our characters, Cypher and Kitai, we were really talking about Will and Jaden. We had plenty of conversations about things like discipline and why Cypher felt like it was such a necessity to be harder on Kitai than even on full-grown rangers. The concept of life and death is what comes into play as a father. Whether you are watching basketball or washing the dishes, in the mind of a warrior father, everything is life or death. The way you wash those dishes, the way you clean your room, the way you handle your schoolwork, one day its going to come back in a life or death scenario.
TreySmitharrivesBoujisnightclubfirstDYj4nP00gv3l Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
But last night….everyone’s attention was focus on Trey.
TreySmitharrivesBoujisnightclubfirstYz341yEXb3Jl Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Looking very dapper in a slim fitted dark suit, Trey posed for pics and greeted fans as he prepared to do his first DJ set in the UK.
purp2 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
Trey’s role in the entertainment business makes perfect sense, as Will explained to The Alchemist, he wanted all of his children to be in the “family business.”

“I grew up in a family business so my father, my mother and all my brothers and sisters worked in the family business, so that’s really the only way I know how to parent.”
purp12 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
purp11 Jaden Smith now dating Justin Biebers ex,Selena Gomez?
And as Jaden and Willow make their mark in the entertainment world, Trey seems like he’s ready to take his place in the spotlight as well.  And he has hip hop legend DJ Jazzy Jeff alongside him as he masters the art of the DJ!

Rihanna puts Amanda Bynes in her place over Chris Brown abuse tweets

Claws Out:

rihannaamanda Claws Out: Rihanna puts Amanda Bynes in her place over Chris Brown abuse tweets

For those who aren’t following the public meltdown of former Nikelodeon teen queen Amanda Bynes, she’s displayed some very peculiar behavior lately, including an inexplicable fascination with black women and blonde hair (she’s retweeted pics of Nicki Minaj and Blac Chyna). In addition to her latest caper, which involved an arrest for smoking weed in her apartment (and she later accused the NYPD of slapping her vagina during the arrest!), Amanda lashed out at Rihanna for no apparent reason.  She tweeted…
abtweet Claws Out: Rihanna puts Amanda Bynes in her place over Chris Brown abuse tweets
We’re not sure what prompted the response (which was quickly deleted) but someone obviously notified Rihanna of the tweet and YOU KNOW she wasn’t going to let that -ish slide.  A short while later, Bad Girl RiRi said….
rihnna533 Claws Out: Rihanna puts Amanda Bynes in her place over Chris Brown abuse tweets

2Face, D’banj, M.I, Tiwa Savage others light up Star Music Trek 2013

2Face, D’banj, M.I, Tiwa Savage others light up Star Music Trek 2013

Nigerian Superstars 2Face Idibia, D’banj, Psquare, M.I and Tiwa Savage are amongst the 22 Nigerian artistes selected to perform at this year’s Star Music Trek.

A star-studded sign-on and announcement ceremony, which officially heralded Star Music Trek 2013, held at Rhapsodys Lounge, Victoria Island on Wednesday 22nd May 2013. Continue...

The exclusive event witnessed attendance from celebrities, industry top shots, consumers as well as the media who witnessed an exciting sign on with the star performers, symbolizing the commencement of the hugely anticipated yearly concert.

This year’s performers are 2Face Idibia, D’banj, Psquare, M.I, Tiwa Savage Timaya, Sound Sultan and Wande Coal. Others are Obesere, M.I, Mr Raw, Dr Sid, Ice Prince, J Martins, Naeto C, KC, Tiwa Savage, Seyi Shey, Kas, Phyno, Yinka Best, Olamide, Juke Box, Da Beatz and Crystalz.

This year’s Star Trek 2013 will span 10 weeks and will berth in 10 cities across the country, namely Aba, Abeokuta, Agege, (-Lagos) Asaba, Enugu, Festac (-Lagos) Lokoja, Nnewi, Owerri, Lokoja, and V.I (Lagos) and will kick off on Saturday June 8, 2013.

J Martin and Kcee
 2face Idibia

Jimmy Jatt, Kahli Abdul and MI

DJ Lamborghini, Tosyn Bucknor and M.I
Gbenga Adeyinka and friends, Omalicha

Sound Sultan and Toni Kan

L-R Biyi Fagade Brand Manager Star, Tiwa Savage, Edem Vindah, Media Relations Manager Nigerian Breweries
Sound Sultan and Gideon Okeke
Tokunboh Adodo Marketing Manager Star Gulder, Export.J Ottah Kalu, Executive Director Lowe Lintas
Kas and Wande Coal, Guest
June 8
Jite Open Field, Road 21 Festac
June 15
Lokoja Stadium,Lokoja
June 22
Hero Square, Owerri
June 29
Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu
July 7
Recreation  Center, Aba
July 13
Beverly Hills, Nnewi
July 20
Event Center (DOME) Asaba
July 27
Abeokuta Sports Club
Agege, Lagos
Aug 03
LASU Museum
V,Island, Lagos
Aug 10
Onikan Stadium